

Open-source software

Bonobo ETL

Bonobo provides a framework to write modern Extract Transform Load jobs in Python 3.5+.


Docker extension for Bonobo ETL. Execute your data-pipeline jobs isolated in Docker containers.


SQLAlchemy extension for Bonobo ETL. Connect, extract, join and load data from relational database systems.


Selenium extension for Bonobo ETL. Write efficient and readable web crawlers as data pipelines.


Medikit is your release engineering assistant, eliminating most toil work duplicated across different projects.


Mondrian configures python's logging module with reasonable defaults, no excuse for avoiding it anymore


Whistle is the lightest possible Event Dispatcher component for the python language.

Ok, Docker

Ok, Docker is a set of docker images built daily by travis CI. Currently: okdocker/pynode and okdocker/nginx.

Django Zero

Create modern Django projects with zero configuration, pre-loaded with allauth, jinja2, bootstrap4, webpack, allauth, and more...

Django Includes

Allows django templates to include other views, using different strategies (sync, hinclude, esi). Supports both Jinja2 and DTL.